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Security trends on the Eurasian Periphery and Their impact on Eurasia

Security trends on the Eurasian Periphery and Their impact on Eurasia

By: Nika Chitadze. Ph.D.

President of the George C. Marshall Alumni Union, Georgia – International and Security Research Center

NATO School. Oberammergau (Germany). February, 2005

Eurasia /jʊəˈreɪʒə/ is the combined continental landmass of Europe and Asia. The term is a portmanteau of its constituent continents (Europe and Asia). Located primarily in the Northern and Eastern Hemispheres, it is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the west, the Pacific Ocean to the east, the Arctic Ocean to the north, and by Africa, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Indian Ocean to the south. The division between Europe and Asia as two different continents is a historical social construct, with no clear physical separation between them; thus, in some parts of the world, Eurasia is recognized as the largest of the six, five, or even four continents on Earth. In geology, Eurasia is often considered as a single rigid mega block. However, the rigidity of Eurasia is debated based on paleomagnetic data.
Eurasia covers around 55,000,000 square kilometers (21,000,000 sq. mi), or around 36.2% of the Earth's total land area. The landmass contains well over 5 billion people, equating to approximately 70% of the human population. Humans first settled in Eurasia between 60,000 and 125,000 years ago. Some major islands, including Great BritainIceland, and Ireland, and those of Japan, the Philippines and Indonesia, are often included under the popular definition of Eurasia, in spite of being separate from the contiguous landmass.
Originally, “Eurasia” is a geographical notion: in this sense, it is simply the biggest continent; the combined landmass of Europe and Asia. However, geopolitically, the word has several different meanings, reflecting the specific geopolitical interests of each nation. “Eurasia” is one of the most important geopolitical concepts; as Zbigniew Brzezinski observed:
“... how America "manages" Eurasia is critical. A power that dominates “Eurasia” would control two of the world’s three most advanced and economically productive regions. A mere glance at the map also suggests that control “Eurasia” would almost automatically entail Africa’s subordination, rendering the Western Hemisphere and Oceania geopolitically peripheral to the world’s central continent. About 75 per cent of the world’s people live in “Eurasia”, and most of the world’s physical wealth is there as well, both in its enterprises and underneath its soil. “Eurasia” accounts for about three-fourths of the world’s known energy resources.”
At the moment one of the most prominent projects of the European Union (EU) is the Russia - EU Four Common Spaces Initiative. However, no significant progress was made and the project was put on hold after Russia-EU relations deteriorated after the crisis in Ukraine. An economic union of former Soviet states named the Eurasian Economic Union was established in 2015, similar in concept to the EU.
The Russian concept of “Eurasia” corresponded initially more or less to the land area of Imperial Russia in 1914, including parts of Eastern Europe. One of Russia's main geopolitical interests lies in ever closer integration with those countries that it considers part of “Eurasia.” This concept is further integrated with communist eschatology by author Alexander Dugin as the guiding principle of "self-sufficiency of a large space" during expansion.

Security Trends in the Eurasian periphery

After the ending of the “Cold War” and disintegration of USSR, the Eurasian Periphery, crossroad between Europe and Asia has become a new strategic frontier for Europe, Russia and the United States in terms of energy security, frozen and festering conflicts, trade links, migration, and other key policy areas. Prospects for the region in the 21st century will be shaped by the interaction between major external actors, the ambitions of states and peoples in the region, and the region’s role as a crossroads of civilizations.
The strategic importance of the territory – border between Europe and Asia, which includes Black Sea/Caspian Region, situated at the crossroads of three important areas - Europe, Middle East and Central Asia – has been traditionally recognized by the players having strategic interests around this sea. However, a complex history and a complicated political environment have obscured the consolidation of a regional identity.
However, this part of the world still faces many problems and challenges, which have to be solved by the countries of the Region and on a global level by the International Community. Among those challenges it is necessary to mention the following issues:
Due to the development of communications and transportation means among regions and their “coming closer” to each other, terrorism and trans-border crime has gradually reached a large scale. Consequently, the necessity of combating trans-border crime became crucial. The increasing of the geopolitical interests of the USA and European Union together with the other “geopolitical players” towards the strategically important Black Sea/Caspian Region sets new challenges and goals for the International democratic community. For example, when there are analyzed particularly interests of USA and EU, it should be pointed out, that the Black Sea/Caspian Region is surrounded by Iran, Middle East and Central Asia Regions, Russian Federation and European Union. This factor is generating active interest for the cooperation with the Black Sea/Caspian region`s countries against terrorism and trans-border crime. Western countries are especially interested in the fighting against such illegal activities as: trafficking in persons, drugs, weapons and radioactive materials; illegal migration problems, and cooperation against organized crime and terrorism. The cooperation of the USA and European Union and such organizations – as for example is NATO with the countries in the region – which is located on the crossroads of Eurasia is extremely important for the efficient fight against the abovementioned crimes.
The cooperation between the Black Sea/Caspian basin countries on the one hand and their cooperation with the International democratic community on the other for struggling and combating terrorism and other types of the trans-border crime is an issue of interest for each and every stakeholder. The countries should benefit from the International community`s interest and receive needed assistance in the format of cooperation. The assistance may include sharing experience, technical assistance, development of a uniform policy and standards etc. State agencies controlling the borders should become the main weapon in the process of combating trans-border crime. These agencies are Border Protection and Customs Service. The ultimate goal for the measures implemented in this field should be the establishment of a modern integrated system of border control, which naturally comprises cooperation between the states of the region with each other and with International community in general.
Crimes such as trafficking in persons, drugs, weapons and radioactive materials, problems of illegal migration, cooperation against organized crime and terrorism are not yet adequately researched. Extensive research on the factors causing the crime, encouraging conditions, existing tendencies, and prevalent schemes and mechanisms for committing crimes has not been conducted so far. Therefore, complex mechanisms of measures and steps for combating the crime have never been developed. The review of the existing situation in this are is more of a general nature which once again demonstrates the need for conducting broader researches on these issues.

Geopolitical location of the Eurasian Crossroad
Due to the convenient geopolitical location, Black Sea/Caspian  Region is one of the most important area in the world and plays an extremely important role in the modern global security affairs.

As it is known, that the fundamental changes on the political map of the region took place at the end of 80s and the beginning of 90s of the last Century, which was interrelated with the political changes in eastern Europe and post-soviet space, such as democratic transitions in Romania and Bulgaria, disintegration of the USSR and gaining the national independence by the former soviet republics from the greater  Black Sea region-Russian Federation, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan.

Today each state of the region has its own foreign policy and national security priorities.

Different other types of the negative processes in Eurasian periphery will be discussed below.

                                        Positive Aspects in Eurasia

The post cold war period in the Eurasian continent Region brought lots of positive results. Among those it is necessary to mention the following:

Enlargement of Democracy  and increasing the number of democratic states in Europe and Asia;
Joining to the NATO Program Partnership for Peace countries of the Region;
Joining to Council of Europe former Communist countries and former Soviet Republics;
Foundation of GUAM with participation of the four countries of the Region;
Expansion of NATO and EU and  joining Bulgaria and Romania to the North-Atlantic Alliance and European Union;
Activate the negotiation process between Turkey and EU regarding the joining of Turkey to the European Union;
“Rose revolution” in Georgia and “Orange Revolution” in Ukraine;
Starting the Intensive Dialogue process with NATO by Ukraine and Georgia;
Practically ending of the conflict on the territory of Chechnya;
Involvement of the several countries of the region to the EU neighborhood Initiative;
Beginning of the implementation of Global Economic projects with the participation of the States of the Region; 1. Euro-Asian transport corridor 2. Caspian Oil Projects.

                                        Negative Aspect in the Black Sea Region

Above-mentioned facts give us the reason to assume, that in the beginning of XXI Century, Region is more democratic and more secure. However, this part of the world  still faces many problems and challenges, which have to be solved by the countries of the Region and on a global level by the International Community. Among those challenges it is necessary to mention the following issues:

Terrorism - terrorist groups still continue to carry out the terrorist acts. In this case first of all should be mentioned about Kurdish terrorist groups in Turkey, existence of the terrorist groups in Chechnya, Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

Other reason of the expansion of terrorism is aggressive separatism. Separatist regions represent the uncontrolled territories and create very convenient conditions  for the establishment of the terrorist camps, for example, we can mention here the cases of Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Chechnya. Separatist territories also represent a good base for illegal trade, especially illegal circulation of drugs. Besides, the biggest problems of separatism is the presence of illegal Armed formations, which are armed with the modern military equipment. In most of the cases the reason of separatist movement is the existence of some states in Black Sea Region, in which official Authorities encourage the separatist movements and terrorist groups in other states by providing de-facto authorities of separatist regions by weapons, financial support etc.

The most important problem, which hampers the development of cooperation in the Black Sea Region is existence of confrontations between Russia and Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, Armenia and Turkey, Russia and Moldova;

Among the economic problems has to be mentioned the problem, regarding the energy security of the region. 
Perspectives of solution the security problems in Black Sea Region   

In spite the existence of many problems in the Region, above mentioned latest positive events give us the reason to say that there are possibilities for solving security problems. First of all, the most important factor is the NATO enlargement and it’s raising role in the world’s global security environment.
After the fact the new members of Baltic and western coast of the Black Sea region joined NATO, the main strategy of the Alliance can now include more intensive cooperation with the former soviet republics from the Black Sea Region. First of all, it is necessary to mention about speech of former Secretary General of NATO in August of 2002 in Glasgow. He mentioned that `New and energetic relations with the countries of Caucasus would be one of the symbol of NATO in 21st Century.` Certainly, it does not mean that very soon states of Caucasus, also Ukraine and Moldova will become the plenipotentiary members of NATO, but active cooperation in terms of sharing NATO’s experience in the field of security sector reform (civil-military relations), transition the Armed forces to the NATO standards, defense management, strengthening the democratic institutions, social-economic development  and so forth, will play a positive role in the democratic processes in the Black Sea  area by strengthening national independence and national security of this countries.

Economic aspects are very important for the solution of the security problems in the Region. Economic development can defeat separatism, because de-facto authorities and population of the separatist regions will be willing more to be integrated into the country, which they are separated from.

Among the economic aspects for solving security problems in the Region, implementation of international economic projects are key to mention. In these projects many states of Europe and Asia – including countries from Black Sea Region are engaged, which clearly demonstrates the process of Globalization. First of all, it is project of Euro-Asian Transport Corridor and revival of the `Great Silk Road.` Starting from the 8-7 century B. C., states of Asia (China, India) had very close relations with antique Greek cities and later regions of Roman Empire through the territories of modern Turkey, Caucasus Region, western part of the Black Sea cost. The territory of the `Great Silk Road` included several routes on the way between Europe and Asia but the most important territory represents Black Sea Region.  .

In September of 1998, the International conference called `Revival of the historical silk road` was held. The representatives of 32 states including of course states from the Black Sea Region and 13 International Organizations attended the conference. Participants signed an agreement on the beginning of the construction works for the creation communication and transport corridor of Eurasia. Today, the main coordinator of TRACECA (Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia) is the  European Union funded - TACIS program.

 Energy Projects which are implemented in the Region

Oil and Gas are the main sources of energy and their share is more than 60% in the world fuel economy and according to the forecast of experts, demand on oil will be increased about 25-30% for 2015. At the same time most of the countries of the Black Sea Region represent oil and gas importers. In this regard states of the region are trying to find the different alternative ways for the import of the energy resources. In this case one of the key role can play Caspian energy projects, where can be involved both-oil and gas-producers and oil and gas-importers of the Region.

Because of significant amount of oil and natural gas in Caspian Region – 200 Billion Barrels (32 Billion Tones) – Caspian Sea region has become the area of strategic interests of many leading Countries of the world. America and other democratic and economically developed states during the last several years are seriously considering extraction and exploration of Caspian Oil and Natural gas, which is a very important political and economic factor. One of the priorities for western states is to avoid the dependence on politically unstable Middle East and Russia, to find the alternatives sources in the oil-rich regions and to allow their oil companies to explore oil fields there.

There are several main players in the in the wide Black Sea area, which have their own strategic interests toward the energy projects. In this regard should be pointed out the following countries: 


American government has three main interests in the region:

            1) USA imports oil from the Persian Gulf and Latin America, which are politically unstable regions. Therefore, American government is looking for alternative sources for its oil import.

            2) US Authorities have their commercial interests in the field of exploitation and transportation of oil. They hope that expansion of the American companies in the region will contribute to economic development in the countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia, and further integration of the region into the world economic system. Expansion of commercial activities of the American companies in Caucasus, important investments and installation of modern American  technologies will bring the increasing of political influence of USA in the Caspian Sea Territory.

            3) These projects will reduce foreign threat, support independence and territorial integrity of Black Sea and Caspian states. It will also promote development of the democratic institutions and principles of market economy in Caucasus and Central Asia. According to the opinion of western scientists, transportation of Caspian oil will be one of the main contributors to economic development and political stability in oil-rich Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and also for Georgia, as a transit state.


            In fact, the states of EU, have the same kind of interests in the region. However, European states are against the monopolistic position of the U.S. and they try to play more active role in on-going processes in the region. Last events, regarding the export of natural gas and oil from Russian Federation to Europe, and problems, which in this case have been emerged between Russia and Ukraine in January 2006, and Russia with Belarus in January 2007, has clearly shown, that EU needs to determine the new energy strategy for the providing its energy security. according to this, we can assume, that strategic interests of EU toward the Caspian energy projects and wide Black Sea region will increase and this factor will be positive reflected on the further development of the countries of the region.


      Turkey is one of the key player in the energy projects. After the signing of the oil contracts with the world leading oil companies by Azerbaijan in 1994, Turkey has played an active role to support Azerbaijan and Georgia during the negotiation processes regarding the final determination of the pipeline routes. Due to the very important positive role of the country, it was managed to sign Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan and Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum pipeline projects.   

                                                      Russian Federation

            Among the conservative political circles of Russia, there is a fear that implementation of oil and gas projects in Caspian Region will result in lose of Russia’s political influence in the region, and will decrease the volume of Russia’s oil and gas exports. Additional volume of oil and gas will decrease the international prices on oil and gas, which subsequently will reduce incomes to the Russian state budget. However, democratic forces of Russia understand and support projects, because it is seen to bring stability in the region and create the convenient base for the development of friendly relations with the states of Caucasus and Central Asia. It’s also worth mentioning that Russia itself is an active participant in these projects. Since 1997 an oil pipeline connecting Baku (Azerbaijan) to the Russian port of Novorossiysk has been put into operation. Besides, two years ago the pipeline from Kazakhstan to Novorossiysk was also recovered. Russian Company `Lukoil` represents the shareholder of International oil consortium which is engaged in oil projects on the territory of Azerbaijan.

With regard to China and Japan, they also have significant interests in the successful implementation of the projects. In China demand for oil exceeded 50 million tones and national oil company of this state conducts the active negotiations with the Kazakhstani government for building the alternative pipeline from Central Asia to China.

Japan, which is depended on the oil import for 100%, is also actively engaged in the Caspian Oil projects through Japanese oil company `Itochy.`

There are some worries in the political circles of Iran and Arab States about mentioned projects. Certainly, additional volume of oil within the international oil market will decrease oil prices, which is not profitable for these states. In addition, they are against western expansion close to their borders. However, Iranian authorities are interested in stable Caucasus, which will enable them to use Black Sea ports to be easily connected with other regions of the world.


21st century creates good prospects for cooperation among the states. The reason of it is democratization of the world including of course, Black Sea Region. It gives us the reason to say, that security, political and economic problems in the region including the energy security problems will be gradually solved.

Finally, It is necessary to pay attention to the opinion of the great German philosopher, Immanuel Kant, who has mentioned that humanity would get the common and eternal peace. Let’s hope that this time will come very soon in all regions of the world, including Black Sea Region.


Eugene B. Rumer and Jeffrey Simon. “Toward a Euro-Atlantic Strategy for the Black Sea Region”. National Defense University Press. Washington D.C. April, 2006. pp. 8-19;

McCarthy, J. “The geopolitics of Caspian Oil,” Jane’s Intelligence Review, July 2000, p.21;

Maksimenko, V. “Central Asia and the Caucasus: geopolitical entity explained”, Central Asia and the Caucasus, no.3 (2000);

Rondeli Alexander. “The Security of the Caspian Sea Region.” SIPRI. Oxford University Press, 2001. pp. 195-212.


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